Thursday, October 15, 2015

A Reaching Slam to Obama

On October 12th, 2015, a RedState blog contributor, Jay Caruso published an article addressing a statement from President Obama regarding gun control. Obama's statement was that it is easier to buy a gun than a book, which was not received well by Conservative writer Caruso. Meanwhile, as stated in the blog post, others say his statement was misunderstood and that Obama was referring to the lack of bookstores in low income areas. Caruso refers to this statement as ridiculous and continues by adding,"This is like saying it is easier for me to get a nuke than it is to get a Burger from In-N-Out since there is a total lack of those restaurants in this region." Caruso argues that the President made an asinine claim because no matter where you are in the United States, if you are making a legal gun purchase then you will undergo a federal background check. He follows his own statement by saying, "Charles Manson could walk out of prison tomorrow, walk into a Barnes and Noble and grab any book he wanted, pay for it and walk out." Caruso's final argument against Obama's statement is that even if a person were to purchase a gun off the street market they would still need nearly $200. Meaning that even people in low income areas can find and purchase a book somewhere (online, Good Will, Salvation Army, etc.) if they are able to find and purchase an illegal gun.
While this blog post makes good claims and arguments, is it really necessary or is this just a reach for a Republican to bash Obama? The author had steady credibility by inserting links to actual reported quotes, screenshots of what other people had to say about the statement, and by addressing arguments from different angles and concluding them with facts and solutions. Yet I still cannot find myself to agree with the author of this article because the intent seems to be more of a bash towards the President. Not to say that I'm a huge supporter in all Obama does or that I feel what he said was the right example, but I don't feel like it needs significant attention. I feel the intended audience could be  for fellow Republicans who are interested in a new reason to loathe President Obama.

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