Friday, September 18, 2015

Donald Trump laughs off racial remarks and sparks controversy...Again.

Today, September 18, 2015, the BBC posted an article addressing Donald Trump's criticism from political rivals over not correcting one of his supporters at a New Hampshire rally after stating, "We have a problem in this country, it's called Muslims. We know our current president is one, you know he's not even an American." Following the remarks made by Mr. Trump's supporter towards President Barack Obama, democratic candidate, Hilary Clinton commented on the "hateful rhetoric" as being "disturbing and wrong." While New Jersey governor, Chris Christie stated that leaders have an "obligation" to correct such statements. Mr. Trump's campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski told US media that "all he heard was a question about training camps."Although, in 2011, Mr. Trump was a primary sceptic of President Obama being a born citizen of the United States, and challenged him to expose his birth certificate as proof he was birthed in America. The president did and the certificate revealed that he was born in Hawaii.
This story and video within the article are worth viewing because it has put forth a racist remark not only directed to President Obama but towards Muslims in America, too. The Trump supporter publicly belittled a group of people by referring to them as "it's." By watching the video, readers can find awestricken and cringing faces, dropped mouths, and disapproving nods expressing that others in the rally felt his statement took the question a little too far. What does this say to the fact that Mr. Trump didn't bother to correct his supporter? I would take it as he agreed with his supporter in saying that a problem within our country is Muslims. If elected president, how will his racial bias effect US communication with other countries? Readers should look into this article not only to be more aware, but to gain more insight into who is leading the Republican polls.

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